Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Battle of Corvus-Majoris

The battle of Corvus-Majoris:


The fleet of the Crusade of Fire arrived in the orbit of the still lush-green world of Corvus-Majoris with all possible haste. Once all needed preparations were underway, preparing crews for combat, sensors sweeps of the planet, and other highly critical preventive measures, the proud Captain of the Acclivous Marines, Numa Chad, stands in the center of the his bridge. Men of the Imperial Navy, like children running around their parent, moved with all haste and determination to get this ship, and the surrounding fleet, ready for a planetary drop, ready for war.

It is not everyday, an entire chapter of the mighty Space Marines mobilized for war. For the Acclivous Chapter this is the first time in their short history of mobilizing all ten of their companies, all one thousand Space Marines. Numa stands proud, and rubbed his stubby chin. His bald head reflecting the myriad of lights on the bridge in the red lit room. His armor, one of the most powerful in the Imperium, bore none of the reflections of the light. The Acclivous chapter firmly believed in camouflage, proper military tactics and discipline, as the dull disruptive pattern of gray, browns and pale green of his armor indicates. His chapter does not take needless risks, and only acts in overwhelming force.

Others, more well established Space Marine Chapters, look down on his yet unproven Space Marines. Fewer still, are displeased with his unusual acceptance of adopting Imperial Guard tactics and training procedures. Some question his geneseed founding on nothing but Imperial Guardsmen; not their officers, not their commanders, just the grunts. Higher-ups on the chain of power question the wisdom of allowing them to keep all of their memories. His Marines still know their homes. His Marines still know what they are fighting for. His Marines are still soldiers.

“Lord Numa,” said a man in a tight tan uniform giving a sharp salute, “we are ready to drop. All Space Marines are in holding.”

“Understood. Be prepared. We will clear the landing ground.”

The officer, a Commander Marpol, noticeably twitches his check and upper lip, “Lord, if I may speak free-”. Numa interjects with sharp motion of his hand, “No. We will clear the field. Your boys will follow us.”

The Commander, a vet of many campaigns, knew full well not to press the issue any further, but he knew the younger officers are bristling in anger as these, Acclivous Marines for taking the lead of the Crusade. Everyone wants glory and treasure, but his 'boys' won't be getting any of it. Space Marines have multiple lifetimes to prove their worth, his men only have one.

Numa knew the Commander's worry, but he cares for the Guardsmen. Ribbons and medals are pinned for the dead. He will not allow a thousand men to die to aid in the advancement of one lieutenant. The Space Marines will clear the landing site, then the Imperial Guard will follow with the voice of thunderous cannons. The Tyranids will die from this planet and Sector. Numa smiles as he leaves the bridge, he will kill them all without sacrificing his boys, and by boys, he means everyone.

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